6 Tips for Choosing Great Images for Your Blog Posts
Have you ever been grabbed by an image in a blog post and, because of it, feel an instant, unmistakable connection to the topic?
Maybe it’s the colours that appeal to you, or an emotion it provokes.
Maybe it’s the continuity it creates with the rest of the website, or maybe it’s the image’s ability to transport you to a different place.
Whatever the connection, good images have the ability to enhance the success of your blog posts.
Content with relevant imagines receives 94% more views, and tweets with images get 150% more retweets. Data shows that visuals with colour increase people’s desire by 80% to read a piece of content, and it’s been stated that “a blog post without an image is like a postcard without a stamp.”
The evidence speaks for itself: images matter!
However, if images are critical for developing desired, share-worthy and successful blog posts, where do you start? Do you find yourself asking what works best? With all of the options available, how do you choose the best visuals for your blog?
Here are some of my favourite tips to guide you through the process of selecting images for your next blog post:
1. Never compromise on quality
A bad image is just as ineffective as no image at all. In fact, it may even be worse.
Poor-quality images can undermine your credibility, detract from your good writing and negate your hard work.
The best (and most original) images usually come from paid stock photo sites; however, you can absolutely find good quality photos on free, creative commons sites like Unsplash.
A word of warning: Only attempt to take your own photos if you have a good camera and know what you’re doing!
2. Use photos of faces
Studies show that people are hard-wired to be drawn to faces.
Even more so, when we look at a face we tend to follow the gaze of the face’s eyes.
So, by including a picture of a face with his or her eyes looking at a featured product or item, you will increase your odds of getting your audience’s attention in the right place.
3. Get splashy with colour
As mentioned earlier, images with colour increase people’s desire to read content by 80%.
Colour draws the eye to the image and promotes interest. Whether you use a colour scheme or simply choose images with saturated colours from across the spectrum, colour matters!
4. Get familiar with infographics
Infographics are meant to convey information on a topic in a visual manner.
While they should complement the text of your blog post, they can sometimes stand on their own. Infographics are great ways to augment your written content and, when done well, can lead to a significant number of social shares.
There are several free or inexpensive tools you can use to get started on your infographic, such as Canva, Picktochart, and Vennage.
5. Put your best image at the beginning of the blog post
The initial image is the image that will get seen first and shared most frequently. Make sure it is strong and relevant.
The key here is to help the reader understand what the post is about even before they read the text.
6. Always ensure you have the rights to use an image
Using a copyrighted image without the right permissions can get you in big trouble. When choosing a photo, make sure it is in the public domain or is covered by a creative commons licence (click here to learn more).
Of course, rules vary from country to country, so it’s a good idea to do your homework.
In Summary…
Images are a fun way to bring your all-important blog to life. Moreover, in today’s digital age, images are an imperative if you want your content to perform well.
By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a shareable, effective blog post.
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